Holidays on two wheels

West Bay ©Malcolm Balmer (Dorset Camera)
West Bay ©Malcolm Balmer (Dorset Camera)
Generally produced at a slightly smaller scale than our walking maps, and covering a wider area, our cycle maps are great for getting you and your family out and about on two wheels.
Each map features clearly marked, easy to follow routes, recommended and researched by local cycle operators and overlaid on Ordnance Survey mapping redrawn under licence. Suitable for families as well as those in search of a longer, more challenging ride, they also show the fuller network of footpaths, cycleways and bridleways, allowing you to explore at your leisure or create your own cycle adventures as you wish.
We also include a range of supplementary information on many of our maps, including cycle hire operators, bike repair shops, town plans showing bike-friendly routes in and out of built-up areas and cycle-friendly accommodation. And, just like our walking maps, we show places of interest along the way as well as other landmarks like pubs, picnic spots and car parks, meaning they're great little maps for getting you about even if you're not cycling every day!